The kick-off meeting has taken place during Oct. 19-29, 2017, at TTTech’s premises in Vienna, Austria. We had 19 participants, with representatives from each beneficiary. The local organizer was Dr. Martijn Rooke, TTTech Computertechnik AG.
The following items have been on the agenda:
Day 1:
- FORA ETN: research topics and project structure (Paul Pop, Coordinator)
- Partner presentations: DTU, TUWIEN, MDH, TUKL, TTT, SYSGO, ABB
- Supervisors: main, co-supervisor, industrial supervisor (updates)
- PhD student recruitment: rules, status (Paul)
- Recruitment plan (discussion and action points)
- Project timeline: meetings, training schools, summer schools (Paul)
- Planned secondments: rules and update
- Planning of Training School 1 (Hans Hansson, ESR Training Manager)
- Overview of TS1 in the proposal: Dates, location, courses and responsibilities
- Deciding the “training team”
- Evening: Poster session with a buffet at TUWIEN (each ESR project had a poster)
Day 2:
- Work packages, deliverables and responsibilities (Paul Pop, Coordinator)
- Presentation of technical Work Packages (WP leaders)
- WP1 Fog Computing Platform, Martin Schoeberl, DTU
- WP2 Resource Management and Middleware, Stefan Schulte, TUWIEN
- WP3 Dependability Services and Application Modeling, Sasikumar Punnekkat, MDH
- WP5 Coordination and Project Management, Paul Pop, DTU
- Presentation of the management structure (Paul Pop)
- Decisions on the responsibilities and roles
- Project Management Team (PMT) decided
- Suggestions for Advisory Board
- Project Consortium Agreement (PCA) status
- Distribution of pre-financing
- WP4 Training, Hans Hansson, MDH
- Structure of PhD programs at the univ. partners
- Experience from previous graduate schools on organizing training
- Template for Career Development Plan
- Discussions:
- How can we make an impact?
- How do we set the research agenda for Fog Computing?
- How can we deliver something concrete, of value?
- How to establish a curriculum for Fog Computing?
- Sharing and communication systems
- Project handbook
- G Suite for Education (via DTU’s IoT Center)
- Templates for deliverables (Google Doc and LaTeX)
- SVN and Git repositories (DTU)
- Mailing lists, contacts lists
- Dissemination materials
- Visual identity, website, flyer, description, poster, slides deck