FORA Project Meeting (January 2021)
2021, January15th, Virtual
This was the last FORA project-level meeting, which took place online on Jan. 15th, 2021. The purpose was to drive the technical management process via the integration and evaluation of the technology bricks. We also used this meeting to plan the four prototype deliverables (D6 to D9) due March 31st, 2021.
Reporting, status, and planning:
- Presentation of message from Project Officer
- Status of ESRs’ PhD and secondments, including online secondments
- Planned secondments after the official project end
- Discussion on project prolongation
- Planning of final project conference and open summer school
Parallel WP meetings are also held focusing on:
- Plenum discussion and form of deliverable inputs
- WP1 meeting
- D6: Fog Node prototypes, including communication protocols
- WP2 meeting
- D7: Distributed Fog Middleware
- D8: Prototype Fog Software Manager
- WP3 meeting
- D9: Prototype services and methods for safety, security and analytics