DTU Compute, at the Technical University of Denmark, is the largest computer science department in Denmark and represents a unique combination of computer science & engineering. DTU Compute is organized in 11 research sections, and participates in FORA with two sections:
- The section on Embedded Systems Engineering (ESE) consists of over 10 scientific staff (prof. and assoc. prof.), 5 postdocs and 15 PhD students. ESE has a strong research track record and international collaboration, being involved in several EU and national projects, and with several best-paper awards at prestigious international conferences. ESE has vast experience in the area of methods, tools and architectures for distributed real-time dependable embedded systems.
- The section for Cognitive Systems (COGSYS) has over 15 scientific staff, 29 PhDs and 10 postdocs and does research in information processing in computer systems, with a focus on modeling and prediction. The research is based on statistical machine learning and signal processing, on quantitative analysis of digital media and text, on mobility and complex networks, and on cognitive psychology.
Find out more:
- PhD education at DTU
- The PhD at DTU is 3 years, see the details in DTU’s PhD Guide.